Sunday, 19 August 2007

Smoking Diaries

This will be brief . . . I haven't smoked at all . . .not one . . .not even last night . . . .


Suffolkmum said...

WELL DONE! Your chorus of well-wishers is right behind you.

snailbeachshepherdess said...

This will be brief as well...bloody brilliant!!

Faith said...

You have done really really well. You must have a helluva lot of willpower. Keep going!

Cait O'Connor said...

Very brief but very heartfelt congratulations are winging their way up to you.
Well done!

Wizzard said...

Well done WW

Keep it up


CAMILLA said...

Lots of stars coming your way, well done you.

Anonymous said...

well done must be very proud of yourself....nearly there keep it up...

Pondside said...

Big gold star for you! Pat yourself on the back and do something lovely for yourself this week! You are really doing this - you are a non-smoker!

Bluestocking Mum said...

Now you will be able to look back and say "I CAN DO THIS..."

well done you and if by any chance you have a blip and feel weak or like giving in, blog/put a post up before you do anything...
If you keep this up you can help me with my Co-codamol addiction!

Big Hug

Fennie said...

That is absolutely, absolutely, brilliant. (Sorry I didn't pick this up before). Treble tick, double goldstar, Fifteen Karma credits and this week's Purple Coo Medal for Services to Clean Air.

Next week will be at least as hard if not harder. Be prepared, as the Scouts say.

Posie said...

Oh good luck, take it one step at a time. My dad has the same, he 'stop starts', but hasn't smoked for three months now....keep it up.

Ska, not a good mother but working on it said...

well done! I found it so hard to give up but have now managed 9 year swithout a ciggie. Pregnancy was the kick up the backside I needed and numerous attempts!

Gretel said...

you are doing wonderfully. And we are all behind you! Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. :)

DJ Kirkby said...

Well done! You've won my WW comp for the first right answer. Email me to collect your prize.

Milla said...

In rapid brief as have to go and watch 24 (well, doesn't everyone!) but have to say DO KEEP ON with the non-smoking. Having started / given up God knows how many times since I was 17 then I truly know what it's all about. I "gave up" AGAIN 2 weeks and a bit ago (on hols) - I find giving up very easy (after one hard day) but, sadly, taking up even easier, but am determined not to fall for it again! Seriously, I think that it's habit rather than addiction, and that if you do one day, you've done it. But, steering clear of people who might brandish the wretched thing is the trick. Good luck, will keep in touch with this. It's vile, though, because as only you and I and other silly people who've let themselves become addicted know, it's so jolly gorgeous smoking. Grrr.

Bill said...

Just like to echo the chorus of "well done". I stopped smoking on November 10, 1988, and have not regretted it for one day. That I have not felt a single pang or desire, despite being practically a professional smoker (at my height I was smoking around 90-100 a day) I attribute to my surmise that smoking is a habit, and not an addiction. A habit is more insidious, because it hides behind your belief in the addiction. But I'm asure it's a habit. The whole "business" of smoking (for me, the pack of Winstons and the zippo) constitutes a very strong learned behaviour, or something. The trick is to forget to do it.

But, as I say, very well done, and the best of luck. O, and try Fruit Gums.